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Chris Velazco is a mobile enthusiast and writer who studied English and Marketing at Rutgers University. Once upon a time, he was the news intern for MobileCrunch, and in between posts, he worked in wireless sales at Best Buy. After graduating, he returned to the new TechCrunch to as a full-time mobile writer. He counts advertising, running, musical theater,... → 了解更多

摩托罗拉上个月*。但显然上述机型并没有成为 Verizon 电信的定制机。*近在中国的社交。 令人好奇的是,这个巨大的侧滑五列键盘并不是该机型与其它已上架机型的**区别。微博上流传的另一张照片显示了该机器的拍照界面。这个界面和之前各系统所拥有的界面完全不同。目前摩托罗拉的机器在拍照时,只要轻按屏幕上的任意区域就可以完成拍摄,但这个界面居然又把拍照按键请了回来,这种倒退不得不让人倍感惊奇。

如果我们足够幸运的话,这可Motorola’s New Keyboard-Packing Droid 5 Reportedly Caught On Film

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