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LED Lighting grows Fresh Salad

LED Lighting grows Fresh Salad

LEDs Magazine

Environment-friendly salad,vegetable cultivation using only LED lights, will soon become apart of our daily diet. Salad of fresh vegetables has beensuccessfully cultivated using only LED lights.
Study involves the cultivation, such as chicory, beet,mustard, rapeseed, cabbage and various leafy plants with edibleleaves and roots such as rocky mountain Chinese mustard, redmustard, icicle radish, Korean cabbage, and lettuce over growthperiods ranging from two weeks to two months.
These plants can be grown using only LED lights, no pesticidesand fertilizers.
According to the test a combination of LED light colors andwavelengths, the most effective blue light to red light ratio forplant growth was found to be 3:1. This makes it possible forvegetables to be grown in places that lack sunlight, such ashigh-rise buildings, basements, deserts, polar regions, and evenlike North and South Poles.
LED lights also use less electricity than current fluorescentlight vegetable cultivation methods, so that they become aneconomic advantage in habits. As LED technology improves, and evenless energy would need to cultivate plants and their economic valueis expected to increase further.